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The Art of the Piano: Teo Milea

The Art of the Piano: Teo Milea

Saturday November 3 2018, 7:00 AM
@ Gallery345

Toronto-based contemporary classical pianist and composer Teo Milea brings new music to Gallery 345 on November 3rd, 2018.

“Teo Milea`s compositions have something special: they leave you the impression that they embody taking majestic forms, they become statues, structures, buildings…” (M. Obradov, Journalist)

Currently working on new solo piano music for his upcoming album “I am Human”, Teo Milea has been living in Toronto for the last three years. When asked about how Canada has been influencing his compositional style, the artist said: “I needed some time to connect to this new space, to everything that surrounds me here in Toronto, and I am sure my music reflects both the struggle of finding my new voice and the contentment ofdiscovering the new pattern in my musical style. While my first album “On white…and black keys” (2012) was more close to the world of classical music, I feel “Open Minds” (2015), my second album, paved the way to a more modern style; and the new works are definitely going towards the minimal genre. On November 3rd, besides well-known pieces like “1stSun”, “Agony and Ecstasy”, “Journey”, “Irreversible” and a few others, I am excited to be able to play some of the new compositions for my friends at Gallery 345 – one of my favorite venues here in Toronto.”

Winner of Popular Vote and Top 4 finalist at the well-known 'Searchlight 2016' music contest on Radio CBC Canada, winner of '2015 Classical Album of the Year' category on SoloPiano.com Radio US and of The Akademia Music Awards 'Best Ambient/Instrumental Album' with his latest release 'Open Minds', applauded and acclaimed on international scenes for his piano compositions, pianist Teo Milea brings to the audience a creation that successfully combines the specific of two worlds: the classical and the new one, of the 21st century.

Teo Milea
About Teo Milea

După 24 de ani în care am învățat să descifrez și să interpretez muzica mentorilor mei clasici, am căutat în mine să ridic improvizația la nivel de compoziție.

Așadar, în 26 aprilie 2012, am început timid, cu un creion, să îmi aștern ideile pe portativ.

Amintirile, poveștile, clipele de agonie și extaz din lumea mea au început să capete sens în ceea ce pe 26 iulie 2012 se intitula „pe clape albe...și negre”.

Acest disc mă prezintă în fața publicului prin cele 7 piese ca fiind un pianist și compozitor aparținând a două lumi: cea clasică și cea nouă, a secolului XXI.

Toată creația mea este fundamentată pe relația interumană, stările și nevoile societății moderne, pasiunea și dorința de a cuceri noi teritorii sufletești, neexplorate încă.


Muzica-i un leac de suflet!

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