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Muzica Teatrului- Concert Cari Tibor

Muzica Teatrului- Concert Cari Tibor

Saturday February 14 2015, 10:00 PM
@ Taverna-Piata Badea Cartan nr 10 Timisoara

Un pic de muzică de teatru, de film și piese care caută propria lor poveste, propriul lor spectacol. Compozitorul şi pianistul Tibor Cari vă invită la o incursiune în lumea sa muzicală, interpretată personal, cu mici poveşti despre cum, de ce şi unde s-au născut aceste dialoguri muzicale.

Cari Tibor - pian
Szabo J. Attila - violoncel
Ilko Geadev - acordeon

Sanziana Tarta - voce

Intrare 35 de lei doar cu rezervare la numarul de telefon 0744116255


Cari Tibor
Locatie actuala
Timișoara, Romania
About Cari Tibor

  Theater & Film Music Composer  I was born on the 19th of February 1979 at Odorheiu Secuiesc, in lots of joy. I lived in this beautiful city until I finished the Music Highschool and joined The Faculty of Music in Timisoara. Good choice.  From the 3rd year I started to play my own compositions at openings, book launches and other kind of events, and during the 4th year I started my collaborations with the Hungarian State Theatre Csiky Gergely in Timisoara, in the beginning as piano player and shortly also as a scene music composer. I have written music for over 100 performances, for movies, commercials and TV titles. I hold concerts all over the country as part of the project called “Music of Theatre” 

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